Face Recognition
Leader: Jie Zhang (Associate Professor) / Meina Kan (Associate Professor) / Shiguang Shan(Professor)
Email: zhangjie at ict dot ac dot cn , kanmeina at ict dot ac dot cn ,sgshan at ict dot ac dot cn
Introduction of research group

The Face Group has been working on face analysis since 1999, and has published more than 300 papers on spoofing detection, face detection, face landmark detection, face attributes prediction, facial attribute editing, and face recognition. These works have been cited for more than 25000 times (Google Scholar). Some of these works won the 2nd class of China’s National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2005, and 2nd class of China’s State Natural Science Award in 2015. Moreover, a few face recognition and analysis works have been successfully commercialized into China’s Ministry of Public Security Exit-Entry Administration, Provincial Public Security Bureau, Labour and Social Security Bureau, and the cellphone. In August 2016, Beijing Seetatech Technology Co., Ltd (Seetatech) is established especially for commercialization of face recognition techniques.


The face group mainly focuses on the following two aspects:

1) Theory and Methodology: mainly study the fundamental problems of computer vision and pattern recognition, including discriminative feature learning, deep learning with defect data (e.g. small number of data, weakly supervised data, nosily labeled data), self-supervised visual learning, generative learning and adversarial attack, transfer learning.

2) Application and Methods:  mainly study the fundamental problems of face application, including face detection and tracking, facial landmark detection, face recognition, 3D face reconstruction, facial expression analysis, lip reading, facial attributes estimation.


Journal Papers

  • Yude Wang, Jie Zhang, Meina Kan, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen. BLPSeg: Balance the Label Preference in Scribble-Supervised Semantic Segmentation. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP), vol. 32, pp. 4921 – 4934, 2023-08-21.
  • Xingming Long, Jie Zhang, Shuzhe Wu, Xin Jin, Shiguang Shan. Dual Sampling Based Causal Intervention for Face Anti-Spoofing with Identity Debiasing. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), Vol. 19, pp. 851-862, 2023.
  • 李笑颜, 阚美娜, 梁浩, 山世光. 概率图采样图像增广驱动的弱监督物体检测. 中国图象图形学报, Vol. 28, No.7, pp. 2037-2053,2023.
  • Yong Li, Shiguang Shan. Meta Auxiliary Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 2526-2538, 2023.
  • Yude Wang, Jie Zhang, Meina Kan, Shiguang Shan. Learning pseudo labels for semi-and-weakly supervised semantic segmentation. Pattern Recognition (PR), Vol. 132, Dec. 2022.
  • 胡蓝青,阚美娜,山世光,陈熙霖. 面向大姿态人脸识别的正面化形变场学习. 中国图象图形学报, 27(7), pp. 2171-2184, 2022.
  • Yunpei Jia, Jie Zhang*, Shiguang Shan. Dual-Branch Meta-learning Network with Distribution Alignment for Face Anti-spoofing. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol.17, pp 138-151, 2022.
  • Chunrui Han, Shiguang Shan, Meina Kan, Shuzhe Wu and Xilin Chen. Personalized Convolution for Face Recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), vol. 130, pp. 344–362, 2022.
  • Mingjie He, Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan, Xiao Liu, Zhongqin Wu and Xilin Chen. Locality-aware Channel-wise Dropout for Occluded Face Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), vol. 31, pp. 788-798, 2022.
  • Yong Li, Lingjie Lao, Zhen Cui, Shiguang Shan, Jian Yang. Graph Jigsaw Learning for Cartoon Face Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP). Vol. 31, pp3961-3972, 2022.
  • Jiguo Li, Xinfeng Zhang, Chuanmin Jia, Jizheng Xu, Li Zhang, Yue Wang, Siwei Ma, Wen Gao. (2020). Direct speech-to-image translation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 14(3), 517-529.
  • Yunpei Jia, Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan and Xilin Chen. Unified Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation Network for Cross-scenario Face Anti-spoofing. Pattern Recognition, 115: 107888, 2021.
  • Xuyang Guo, Meina Kan, Zhenliang He, Xingguang Song and Shiguang Shan. Image Style Disentangling for Instance-level Facial Attribute Transfer. Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 207:103205, 2021.
  • Wen Wang, Ruiping Wang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, \"Prototype Discriminative Learning for Image Set Classification,\" IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 1318-1322, 2017.
  • Xin Liu, Meina Kan, Wanglong Wu, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, \"VIPLFaceNet:An Open Source Deep Face Recognition SDK,\" Frontier of Computer Science, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 208–218, 2017.
  • Zhiwu Huang, Ruiping Wang, Shiguang Shan, Luc Van Gool, Xilin Chen, \"Cross Euclidean-to-Riemannian Metric Learning with Application to Face Recognition from Video,\" IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(TPAMI), vol. 40, no. 12, pp. 2827-2840, Dec. 2018.
  • Xiaoke Zhu, Xiao-Yuan Jing, Xinge You, Wangmeng Zuo, Shiguang Shan, Wei-Shi Zheng, \"Image to Video Person Re-Identification by Learning Heterogeneous Dictionary Pair with Feature Projection Matrix,\" IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 717-732, 2018.
  • Yan Li, Shiguang Shan, Ruiping Wang, Zhen Cui, Xilin Chen, \"Fusing magnitude and phase features with multiple face models for robust face recognition,\" Frontier of Computer Science, vol. 4, pp. 1-19, 2018.
  • Shuzhe Wu, Meina Kan, Shiguang Shan and Xilin Chen, “Hierarchical Attention for Part-Aware Face Detection,” International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), vo. 127, no. 6-7, pp 560–578, June 2019.
  • Zhenliang He, Wangmeng Zuo, Meina Kan, Shiguang Shan and Xilin Chen, \"AttGAN: Facial Attribute Editing by Only Changing What You Want,\" IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 5464 – 5478, November 2019.

Conference Papers

  • Xiaolong Tang, Meina Kan, Shiguang Shan, Zhilong Ji, Jinfeng Bai, Xilin Chen. HPNet: Dynamic Trajectory Forecasting with Historical Prediction Attention. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 15261-15270, Seattle WA, USA, Jun. 17-21, 2024.
  • Sibo Wang, Jie Zhang, Zheng Yuan, Shiguang Shan. Pre-trained Model Guided Fine-Tuning for Zero-Shot Adversarial Robustness. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 24502-24511, Seattle WA, USA, Jun. 17-21, 2024.
  • Zonghui Guo, Xinyu Han, Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan, Haiyong Zheng. Video Harmonization with Triplet Spatio-Temporal Variation Patterns. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 19177-19186, Seattle WA, USA, Jun. 17-21, 2024.
  • Dongyang Liu, Meina Kan, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen. Function-Consistent Feature Distillation. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023.
  • Qiankun Li, Xiaolong Huang, Zhifan Wan, Lanqing Hu, Shuzhe Wu, Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan, Zengfu Wang. Data-Efficient Masked Video Modeling for Self-supervised Action Recognition. Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, pp. 5776–5785, Ottawa, Canada, 2023.
  • Zhongqi Wang, Jie Zhang, Zhilong Ji, Jinfeng Bai, Shiguang Shan. CCLAP: Controllable Chinese Landscape Painting Generation via Latent Diffusion Model. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Brisbane, Australia, Jul. 10 - 14, 2023.
  • Kunyan Li, Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan. Self-supervised Learning for Fine-grained Ethnicity Classification under Limited Labeled Data. IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), Hawaii, USA, Jan. 5-8, 2023.
  • Xuyang Guo, Meina Kan, Tianle Chen, Shiguang Shan. GAN with Multivariate Disentangling for Controllable Hair Editing. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), pp. 655–670, Oct. 23-27, 2022, Tel Aviv, Isreal / Cyberspace.
  • Zheng Yuan, Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan. Adaptive Image Transformations for Transfer-based Adversarial Attack. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Oct. 23-27, 2022, Tel Aviv, Isreal / Cyberspace.
  • Mingjie He, Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan and Xilin Chen. Enhancing Face Recognition with Self-Supervised 3D Reconstruction. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 4062-4071, June 19-24, 2022, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA / Cyberspace.
  • Yuanyuan Xu, Meina Kan, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen. Mutual Learning of Joint and Separate Domain Alignments for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation. Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference of Applications on Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 1658-1667, Waikoloa, Hawaii, Jan. 4-8, 2022.
  • Liang Shi, Jie Zhang, Chenyue Liang and Shiguang Shan. Unknown Aware Feature Learning for Face Forgery Detection. International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2021. (Accepted)
  • Zheng Yuan, Jie Zhang, Yunpei Jia, Chuanqi Tan, Tao Xue and Shiguang Shan. Meta Gradient Adversarial Attack. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 7748-7757, Montreal, Canada, Oct.11-17, 2021.
  • Yuanyuan Xu, Meina Kan, Shiguang Shan and Xilin Chen. Mutual Learning of Joint and Separate Domain Alignments for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation. IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2022. (Accepted)
  • Kunyan Li, Jie Zhang and Shiguang Shan. Learning Shape-Appearance Based Attributes Representation for Facial Attribute Recognition with Limited Labeled Data. International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2021. (Accepted)
  • Zheng Yuan, Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, "Attributes Aware Face Generation with Generative Adversarial Networks," 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2020), pp. 1657-1664, Virtual-Milano, January 10-15, 2021.
  • Changzhen Li, ​Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, "PAS-Net: Pose-Based and Appearance-Based Spatiotemporal Networks Fusion for Action Recognition", IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020), pp. 215-221, 2020.
  • Zhenliang He, Meina Kan and Shiguang Shan. EigenGAN: Layer-Wise Eigen-Learning for GAN. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 14408-14417, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 11-17, 2021.
  • Jiguo Li, Chuanmin Jia, Xinfeng Zhang, Siwei Ma and Wen Gao. Cross Modal Compression: Towards Human-comprehensible Semantic Compression. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia), pp. 4230-4238, Chengdu, China, Oct. 20-24, 2021.
  • Zijian Zhao, Jie Zhang and Shiguang Shan, "Noise Robust Hard Example Mining for Human Detection with Efficient Depth-Thermal Fusion," IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020), pp. 809-813, 2020.