

Currently, the DEVISIGN database covers 4414 standard Chinese Sign Language vocabularies and totally contains 331,050 vocabulary data of 30 individuals(13 males and 17 females). Each vocabulary data is composed of RGB video(in “avi” format), the depth and skeleton information (in “bin” format). This database contains both inter-sign and intra-sign changes. For 15 signers, the data were collected by 4 times and for the remaining signers, the data were captured only one time.

In the first stage, this DEVISIGN database is partly made available (three subsets) for research purpose. VIPL is serving as the technical agent for distribution of the database and reserves the copyright of all the videos and binary files in the database.

More detail please refer to the link: http://vipl.ict.ac.cn/homepage/ksl/data.html#database