近日,实验室联合腾讯数据智能中心关于对抗攻击的工作“Adaptive Perturbation for Adversarial Attack” (作者: 袁峥,张杰,蒋昭炎,李亮亮,山世光) 被TPAMI接收。IEEE TPAMI全称为IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 是模式识别、计算机视觉及机器学习领域的国际主流期刊, 2023年公布的影响因子为23.6。
Fig. 1: A two-dimensional toy example to illustrate the difference between our proposed APAA and existing sign-based methods, e.g., BIM [9]. The loss function is composed of a mixture of Gaussian distributions, as described in Eq. (6). The orange path and blue path represent the update process of BIM and our APAA when generating adversarial examples, respectively. The background color represents the contour of the loss function. During the adversarial attack, we aim to achieve an adversarial example with a larger loss value. Due to the limitation of the sign function, there are only eight possible update directions in the case of a two-dimensional space ((0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 1), (1,-1), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1)). The update direction of BIM is limited and not accurate enough, resulting in only reaching the sub-optimal end-point. Our method can not only obtain a more accurate update direction, but also adjust the step size adaptively. As a result, our APAA may reach the global optimum with a larger probability in fewer steps.