Prof. Qingming Huang's group won the first prize of the CAAI Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Natural Science Award

Time: Dec 09, 2020

On Dec.10th 2020, CAAI has announced the 2020 awardee's list for "CAAI Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award", among which Prof. Qingming Huang's group in our lab has won the first prize of natural science award with their project "Image and Video Multi-scale representation and semantic mapping".

Known as the "greatest award for the artificial intelligence in China", the "Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award" is funded by Mr. Wen jun Wu, the only person in our country who is well-known worldwide as a distinguished scientist, a master of math, a pioneer of artificial intelligence, and a leader of AI research in China, and who is the also an awardee for the first State Preeminent Science and Technology Award, an Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Honorary President of CAAI, with the support from social forces.

According to the "Award Methods of Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award" and "Implementation Rules of Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award", the awardees are selected by a series of procedures including recommendation, online review, preliminary assessment, and the final defense. The award committee has finally granted 20 projects with this great honor, among which five projects won the first prize.
