VIPL Group won 2nd and 3rd place in two tracks of FG2020 Identity-preserved Human Detection Challenge

Time: Oct 09, 2020

Chalearn Looking at People Challenge on Identity-preserved Human Detection was held at IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2020). There are three tracks in the competition, which are Depth track, Thermal track and Depth and Thermal Fusion track.

The team of Visual Information Processing and Learning (VIPL) from the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences participated all the three tracks and won the 2nd place in the Depth and Thermal Fusion track and 3rd place in the Thermal track.

Compared with RGB based human detection, the thermal or depth images in the identity-preserved human detection tasks not only contain less information but also with large amount of noise. Besides, the labels in the tasks are weak, that is, plenty of ground truth boxes were inaccurate for learning process. The main contributions lie in three aspects: (1) Dynamic noise fixing Method is proposed to reduce the noise pixels in the input images. (2) In order to deal with the weakly labeled ground-truth boxes, noise robust hard example mining is proposed by combining noise example filtering and online hard example mining together. (3) To tackle multi-source data fusion in the object detection task, we propose three fusion strategies named early fusion, intermediate fusion and late fusion, which could be regarded as image level fusion, feature level fusion and box level fusion respectively.
Our results of single model with single-scale testing obtained the 2nd place in the Depth and Thermal Fusion track and 3rd place in the Thermal track. More details with better results could be found in the following paper at the competition workshop in FG2020.

Related paper:
[1] Zijian Zhao, Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan. Noise Robust Hard Example Mining for Human Detection with Efficient Depth-Thermal Fusion. IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition Workshops (FGW), 2020.
